Power Wash

Master General Cleaning | Power Wash

Power Wash

Power wash cleaning services aim at the total cleaning & rinsing of surfaces, areas & objects with special high-pressure equipment that eliminates every potential residue of dirt & filth.

Our power wash services cleanse the surface, area or object & leave it sparklingly clean, fresh & sanitized for safe usage.

At Master General, power wash professional cleaning services are accessible with fully trained expert services teams. Our excellence strives to make high-quality cleaning services that are affordable, reliable & trustworthy.

What is a Power Wash?

A power wash uses heated high-pressure water & cleaning substance dispenser to target & thoroughly clean surfaces, areas and objects of all impurities. A power wash targets long-due, ingrained and stuck:

  • Paint Residues
  • Moulds
  • Dirt
  • Grime
  • Dust
  • Stains
  • Mud & Smudge
  • Mildew
  • Algae
  • Hidden Bacteria – Lodged in Carpet Fabric


Major Elements & Steps in a Power Wash

  • Clear removable dirt, dust & grime from the surface/area.
  • Double check the area is ready for high-pressure power washing.
  • Adjust the pressure gauge on the power wash dispenser. Different surfaces may require different pressure settings to safeguard against damage.
  • Initially, spray evenly & let the cleaning substances do their work.
  • Start focused high-focussed spray in a systematic & progressive manner.
  • Gradually decrease pressure with a rinsing round for effective removal or residue.
  • Allow the damp & wet surface to dry before use. This ensures consistent cleanliness & safety.


Benefits of a Professional Master General Power Wash

  • Totally Remove & Erase Stubborn Graffiti & Stains & Smudges.
  • Disinfect, Sanitize & Create a Healthy Home Surface & Environment.
  • Save Time, Money & Improve Hygiene.
  • Surface & Area & Object Depreciation.
  • Increase Appeal, Value & Attraction of Homes & Offices.
  • Reduce Chances of Bacteria & Pest Formation & Breeding.


A well-applied professional power wash from Master General cleaning services helps you eliminate several stubborn stains, rust, smudges, graffiti & sticker stains.

Before After Master General Cleaning | Power WashMaster General Cleaning | Power Wash
Phone: 0892526749
Mon-Sun: 8:00 am – 10:00 pm
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